· July, 2006

Stories about Senegal from July, 2006

Gripes with Footballer Lilian Thuram

  24 July 2006

Of Lilian Thuram, a French football player of Guadeloupean origin, France-based Senegalese blogger says (Fr): “Wanting desperately to become a Martin Luther King-style defender of the Black cause, Thuram seems...

France: The Beginnings of Affirmative Action

  19 July 2006

Says (Fr) France-based Senegalese blogger Seckasysteme about the allegedly affirmative-action induced hiring and debut of Black French newsanchor Harry Roselmack on French national television: “Roselmack's (…) professional competence and the...

Nigeria, Ethiopia: Lebanon evacuations

  18 July 2006

Ethioblog takes note of a report that Nigeria has begun evacuating its nationals from Lebanon, and is also helping Ethiopians, Ghanaians, Senegalese and citizens of other African countries to leave.

Senegal: Migrant workers

  10 July 2006

Black Looks posts a poem about the lives of African migrants looking for work and a better life, and Nigeria, What's New? picks it up with a link to a...

Africa: Lessons Learned from Mittal Steel

  5 July 2006

Lessons drawn by Le Pangolin from the recent acquisition by Indian-owned steel company Mittal Steel of European-owned Arcelor (Fr): ” Economic actors of developing countries can really change the world...

Sounds of Africa

  4 July 2006

As you read this the World Cup is in it's Semi Final stages with Italy knocking the host Germany out. So far it has been a wonderful festival of football...

The Global Voices Show #3

  4 July 2006

The third episode of the Global Voices Show is here! In this edition we feature excerpts from the following podcasts: PodView (Podbazaar) (India) Viloria.com Pinoy Podcast (Philippines) Tango City Tour...

Africa: Is Homosexuality a Religion?

  2 July 2006

France-based Togolese Blogger Kangni Alem reflected on homosexuality in Africa recently. Namely, he tackled claims by some on the continent that homosexuality is a heretic religion. In the process, he...