· January, 2014

Stories about Sub-Saharan Africa from January, 2014

The Worrisome Job Market Projection in Burkina Faso

  22 January 2014

The AFDB published its country report for Burkina Faso in which it highlights the worrisome job market trend [fr] for the next decade :  Sept burkinabè sur dix ont moins de 30 ans. Le nombre de jeunes (15-24 ans), primo demandeurs d’emplois, doublera entre 2010 et 2030, passant de trois à six millions...

Catherine Samba-Panza, Mayor of Bangui, Elected as Transitional President of Central African Republic

  20 January 2014

After Michel Djotodia stepped down as president [fr] two weeks ago, the Central African Republic (CAR) Parliament elected Catherine Samba-Panza [fr], former mayor of Bangui, as the transitional president in charge of stabilizing the country until the next elections. Samba-Panza was recognized for her crisis management of the city during the rebels pillaging...

Massive Street Protests against Constitutional Reform in Burkina Faso

  20 January 2014

On January 18, thousands of Burkinabe citizens took to the streets of Ouagadougou [fr] to protest against proposed changes of the constitution that would allow current president Campaoré to run for another mandate. The protests were relayed on many Burkinabe twitter feed. Alain Boh Bi posted images of the protest: Jan18th,...

Job Market Trends in the Mobile Phone Industry of Côte d'Ivoire

  17 January 2014

Alain François Loukou, a research fellow and teacher at the Alassane Ouattara University in Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire, wrote an extensive report on the evolution of IT in Côte d'Ivoire [fr]. He shares the following table on the recent evolution of the mobile phone market in his country in terms of mobile penetration, jobs, turnover...

Mauritius Tops Index of Economic Freedom Ranking in Africa

  17 January 2014

The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal published the latest Index of Economic Freedom and Mauritius ranks highest among African nations [fr]. It also ranks in the top ten worldwide. The index cites the following reasons for Mauritius high ranking: Efficient and transparent regulations underpin a dynamic entrepreneurial environment and...

Understanding Human Rights in Portuguese-Speaking Countries

  15 January 2014

[All links lead to Portuguese language pages, except where otherwise stated] The Portuguese language version of the educational manual for human rights “Understanding Human Rights” is available online. The website provides the complete manual in pdf format or divided into chapters, as well as training material, bibliographical references and institutional information specifically aimed at...

Silent Treatment on Violence against Women in Guinea

  9 January 2014

Boubacar Sanso Barry for Guinée Conakry Info wrote an in-depth report on the undercovered issue of violence against women in Guinea. Even though the National Agency on Gender reports that 80% of Guinean women were victims of psychological or physical abuse [fr], the topic seems to be too often ignored...

Why Elders Protect Doves in Rural Mali

  7 January 2014

Fasokan explains why elders in rural Mali pay special attention to the protection of doves [fr] : Les vieilles personnes font tout pour protéger ces oiseaux contre la tuerie des enfants pendant leurs chasses avec des lance-pierres. Si par hasard il arrive qu’un groupe de jeunes garçons attrape une tourterelle...

About our Sub-Saharan Africa coverage

Zita Zage
Zita Zage is the Anglophone Africa Editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.

Jean Sovon
Jean Sovon is the Francophone Africa. Editor. Email him story ideas or volunteer to write.

Dércio Tsandzana
Dércio Tsandzana is the Lusophone (Portuguese) editor. Email him story ideas or volunteer to write.