Stories about Mozambique from November, 2007
Mozambique: Tribute to Ian Smith
“Ian Smith died today at the age of 88 in Cape Town. The man who fought the English over the independence of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). For he is a true African...
Mozambique: Registration period is postponed
The voter registration period which began on September 24 will not finish tomorrow, November 22, as planned. According to Moçambique para Todos [pt], “The registration has been postponed until December...
Mozambique: Speaking the language of Tonga
Moçambique para todos [pt] announces the launch of the a Portuguese-Tongan/Tongan-Portuguese dictionary in Maputo this Thursday. Gitonga is the language spoken by Tonga people.
Mozambique: Remembering Carlos Cardoso
ForEver PEMBA [pt] reminds a loss for the democratic press in Mozambique: “The next November 22 marks the anniversary of Mozambican journalist CARLOS CARDOSO‘s violent death”. Cardoso was murdered in...
Mozambique: Congratulations to Tas – BOBs2007
A runner up for the the same category, Diário de um Sociólogo congratulates [pt] Marcelo Tas for winning the Best Weblog Portuguese prize and invites other blogs from Mozambique to...
Mozambique: Talking about the lynch law
Carlos Serra from Diário de um Sociólogo spreads about [pt] a seminar on the lynch law, that happens today in Mozambique. The talk is promoted by the UDS blog [pt].
Mozambique: The young rapper and the power of words
Moçambique para todos [pt] publishes video and lyrics from thought provoking rapper Azagaia, from Mozambique, who “is back to the scene and releases tomorrow his latest piece of work. Check...