Stories about Mozambique from September, 2006
Macau nurtures Luso-Sino connection
Macau can be seen today as the very capital of a reinvigorated Luso-Sino friendship. In addition to holding the Economic and Commercial Cooperation Forum which happened this last weekend, the...
Africa: renewable technologies
Africa Unchained writes, “Karekezi, S…surveys (PDF) the dissemination of renewable technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa…and attempts to evaluate the potential for these technologies to meet the energy needs of Africa’s poor…“
Africa: Mozambique to assemble Chinese computers?
Mozambique to assemble Chinese computers?, wonders Soyapi Mumba.
Africa: Moving on from the digital indaba
Meskel Square on “Moving on from the Digital Indaba“: “Overall it was a huge success. One way of judging that is to look at all the discussions that are still...
Macau: The 1st Lusofonia Games will be held between 7-15 October 2006 in Macau
Timor Online writes about the 1st Lusofonia Games to be held between 7-15 October 2006 in Macau. Portuguese speaking countries and regions will compete for glories in the sports of...