Stories about Madagascar from July, 2010
Madagascar: Pillaging of Rain Forests Was Supervised by National Special Forces
The Malagasy field researcher who contributed to the report on rosewood illegal logging in Madagascar entitled “Between Democracy and Conservation” explains the method they used in conducting their18-months-long secret investigation...
African Soldiers on the Champs Elysees on Bastille Day
France's invitation to the armed forces of former colonies to join the parade on the Champs Elysees on July 14 is a subject of great controversy among African bloggers. Many wonder what is the point of having former colonies there and why are many north African nations not invited.
Diaspora and Development in the Francophone World
The diaspora of the developing countries worldwide is often mentioned as a potential driving factor for poverty reduction and the francophone region is no exception. Still, the suggested policies involving the diaspora are not without challenges and require more avenues for discussion between all development actors
Africa: Children Playing with Makeshift Football
Ariniaina shares photos of children playing with a makeshift soccer ball in Antananarivo. The scene is reminiscent of the remarkable photo essay by Julius Mwelu at the road-to-2010 blog about...