· March, 2008

Stories about Madagascar from March, 2008

Liquid assets: Bloggers on World Water Day

  23 March 2008

It's known as the universal solvent, Adam's Ale, government juice, council pop, H2O, dihydrogen monoxide, hydrogen hydroxide, has a ton of different names in Arabic and yesterday (March 22) the world was called upon to pay it special attention. World Water Day 2008 marked the start of the fourth year of the UN International Decade for Action on Water that began in 2005, and to mark the occasion the bloggers weighed in with insights and commentary from various corners of the world.

Women Hold Up Half the Sky: A Poetry Jam

  9 March 2008

In celebration of International Women's Day, Rising Voices grantee and Nari Jibon founder, Kathryn Ward, came up with the idea of a friendly poetry competition among Rising Voices bloggers. Participants...

Lova Rakotomalala: Putting Madagascar on the map

  2 March 2008

Coming from Madagascar, a country that doesn't make the world's headlines often and sometimes doesn't even make it to the African map, Lova Rakotomalala has played an extremely important role in making this unique island better known and heard through blogging and his reports for Global Voices Online.