Stories about Madagascar from October, 2006
Madagascar: 2nd Lit Classic Available Online
Actualite Culturelle Malgache is working on making available through its blog (Fr): “A novel published in 1897 and authored by Adolphe Badin, Une Famille Parisienne a Madagascar Avant et Apres...
Madagascar: Local Lit Classics Available Online
New blog Actualite Culturelle Malgache [Malagasy Cultural News] plans (Fr) to make malagasy historical texts available online and will email the first such offering — Charles Renel's La Race Inconnue...
Madagascar: Among the Top Third for Freedom of the Press
Blogin'i Harinjaka writes (Fr): ” Madagascar is 66th in the global ranking of freedom of the press established by international non-governmental organization Reporters without Borders. … 66th is not among...
Global Warming in Madagascar
Lakes Region, Madagascar. Photo by Claude Springer. After seeing Al Gore's film on global warming, Malagasy blogger Aiky from group blog Madagascar Croissance, reflected this week on the effects of...
Madagascar: How to Invest
Madagascar Croissance says (Fr) real estate and rentals are promising investment sectors in his country right now.
Consumerism in Madagascar
Madagascar Croissance muses on consumerism in Madagascar: “Madagascarans are fond of clothing and hi-tech products…the affluence of Chinese stores in Behoririka and the shopping centers show that despite all the...