· July, 2011

Stories about Chad from July, 2011

Senegal-Chad: Is Habré Extradition a Political Diversion by Wade?

  11 July 2011

Commenting former Chad president Hissene Habré's extradition to his homeland, makaila.over-blog observes [fr]: “Many Senegalese analysts are already questionning whether this is just a diversion by the Senegalese embattled president. The opposition and civil society organizations were planning for a  massive gathering on July 9th”.  The rally was ultimately banned by...

Senegal-Chad: Hissène Habré won't be expelled anymore

  11 July 2011

In a post published on July 11th, leboytownshow.com blog states the following [fr] :”Senegalese authorities finally announced that they suspend the deportation order against Hissène Habré (editor's note:  Chad former president) “.