Stories about Cameroon from January, 2007
Africa: Dancing to soccer moves, Maasai Hip Hop and laughing at wealthy Americans
My name is Steve Ntwiga and this is my first post at Global Voices Online. I will be trying to fill a small part of Obi's huge shoes as I...
West Africa: What is NOSPETCO?, Aid Does Not Work, Dogon Architecture and Tourism As A Therapy
As we delve into the West African blogosphere this week, our first stop is Nigeria. One issue that is attracting so much attention among Nigerians bloggers is NOSPETCO. What is...
French Speaking Blogs of the Caribbean, Africa and Oceania in 2006
Logo of the Madagascar Blogger's Meeting that took place January 5-6, 2007 in Antananarivo. By and large French speaking blogs and bloggers of the world have reason to envy English,...
Cameroon: meaningful elections?
Blogging at the sub-Saharan Africa Roundtable, Evan Weinberger wonders whether Cameroon is about to have free and fair elections, “After two more seriously flawed presidential elections, the last in 2004,...
Cameroon: justice with a human face
Dibussi Tande writes about Cameroon's new criminal procedure code: Can Cameroon’s New Criminal Procedure Code Deliver “Justice with a Human Face”?