Stories about Sri Lanka from June, 2012
Sri Lanka: State Of The Government Hospitals
Nanadasiri Wanninayaka writes about the state of the government officials in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka: Sustainable Agriculture – Not In Practice
Perceptions argues that there are so many words written about sustainable agriculture and “very little of that comes directly from someone who earns 100% of his income from existing agriculture,...
Sri Lanka: Mobile Payment System Launched informs that the Sri Lankan Central Bank has given permission to launch mobile payment systems in Sri Lanka for the first time.
Sri Lanka: The Colombo Fun Ride
The Puppeteer participated in the “Colombo Cycle Fun Ride 25km”, a public cycling event organised by the Pedal Pushers cyclist group, and shares her experiences.
Sri Lanka: 900 Young Men Take a Stand Against Harassment of Women
Sri Lanka Unites blog informs about a campaign titled S.H.O.W (Stop Harassment of Women) You Care which plans to engage nine hundred young men to travel on the busiest bus...
Sri Lanka: Towards The Perfect Reconciliation
Elijah Hoole looks at the reconciliation process in Sri Lanka from a different angle. The blogger thinks that a perfect reconciliation process should entail work towards building or rather restoring...