· January, 2007

Stories about India from January, 2007

India: On Saddam and America

  3 January 2007

Bodhi's Hop on Saddam's execution. “News channels (most of the English ones being either American or British) are tireless in showing file pictures of Saddam's statues being pulled down and people celebrating with fire from AK47s, while quietly forgetting the anger and resentment evident in daily bomb attacks by armed...

South Asia: 2006 in review

  3 January 2007

Let us take a look at how the South Asian bloggers reflected on the year 2006: Bangladesh: Drishtipat reports that a total of 3,239 people were killed in Bangladesh, with law enforcement authorities killing 300 of them, from Jan. 1 to Nov. 30, 2006, an average of 9.69 persons per...

India: Indians in Kenya

  2 January 2007

Sepia Mutiny on Indians in Kenya, culture, identities and the economy. “The aloofness question comes down to whether or not Indians are perceived to have a stake in the future of the country and are not a foreign population siphoning wealth and keeping it for themselves.”

India: Hajj Reports

  2 January 2007

Live reports from the Hajj at Indian Muslims. From the post on Day 1 – “Large crowds of pilgrims converged upon Islam’s holy city as the ‘Day of Standing’ on the plain of Arafah, which falls on Friday, drew close. Makkah resembled a global village on Wednesday with people of...