Stories about South Asia from November, 2017
#DemocracyDefeated: How Indian Right-Wing Groups Stalled A Bollywood Period Drama
Scandal surrounding "Padmavati" film causes Indian BJP leader to call for the lead actor's beheading and draws attention to larger issues of freedom of expression in film.
What's in a Scarf? A Robot Restaurant in Bangladesh Serves up Controversy
"I was not surprised to see that the robot had to wear a scarf. Isn't that normal here?
Social Media Rumors Escalate Buddhist-Muslim Violence in Sri Lanka
"Sri Lankans tend to digest media uncritically and unquestioningly. This will have to change in order to stop misinformation from spreading – and this can be done through spreading awareness."
Another Muslim Man Is Murdered in India's Rajasthan by Cow Vigilantes
"The term Gau Rakshak has slipped into the country’s lexicon of politics and culture over the past two years, in step with increasing activism by self-styled protectors and vigilante groups."
Women Die in Childbirth in Rural India, Where Hospitals Lack Doctors
Doctors refuse job postings to a small village in a border district of West Bengal even as people suffer due to lack of medical services.
In India, Class and Gender Inequities Impede Justice for Sexual Harassment Victims
"...the entire justice system itself is aligned towards keeping patriarchy and caste system intact."
Female-Run Restaurant Bends Back Social Barriers in Pakistan's Quetta
"Years ago, women’s lives were limited to the four walls of the house in Hazara Town, but it is no longer the case now."
Toxic Smog in New Delhi Leaves Residents Coughing and Demanding Action
“I have been coughing for over a month, and it is only [recently] I realized that it’s because of the pollution. But no one is doing anything about it.”
Freedom of Expression or ‘Obscene Representation'? The Case Against Indian Cartoonist Bala G
"The incident made me think that my children were burning. I have no words to express my sorrow, so I drew the cartoon out of rage."
One Nation, One Tax: The Impact of India's Goods and Services Tax
The Indian government deems the newly implemented Goods and Services Tax a success, but many small businesses have been adversely affected and protests are mounting.
To Divinity and Back: Nepal’s Living Goddess Returns to Normal Life After Nine-Year Stint as ‘Kumari’
The sudden transformation of a little girl into a revered goddess comes at a price. She must remain in isolation and is expected to stay calm at all times.
Bangladeshi Auto-Rickshaw Driver Sues Actor Shakib Khan for Using His Phone Number in Movie
The driver received more than 400 calls in five days from fans hoping to talk with the film actor. The calls affected his livelihood and nearly ruined his marriage.
Activist Faces Imprisonment For His Book Criticizing The Indian River Inter-Linking Project
"Sedition case for writing against river linking! This is a most financially, socially, environmentally disastrous idea."