Stories about Oceania from July, 2014
How Pacific Islanders Are Fighting Climate Change With Canoes
People from 16 different countries will voyage to Australia to deliver traditional canoes to major fossil fuel industry supporters. They want to highlight the dire consequences of climate change.
Deported Sri Lankan Asylum Seekers Speak of Mistreatment by Australian Authorities
Thirty seven Sinhalese and four Tamil asylum seekers from Sri Lanka sailed in a boat towards Australia and were intercepted west of the Cocos Island late last month by Australian authorities....
How Technology Is Helping People Learn—and Even Save—the World's Languages
Forward thinkers are harnessing the unprecedented power of technology to bring languages back from the brink of extinction, and in rare cases, to resurrect an extinct language.
Australian Activist Jock Palfreeman Is Taking On Bulgaria's Prison System From the Inside
People are calling for a Twitter "Day of Solidarity" with Palfreeman, imprisoned for murder. He says he was defending himself after trying to stop an attack on two Roma boys.