· November, 2010

Stories about Oceania from November, 2010

Fiji Water closes the tap and leaves Fiji

  30 November 2010

After squabbling with Fiji's government, the US-based premium water company Fiji Water closed its bottling plant and canceled its contracts. While the company's leaders hope to strike a deal with Fiji's military government, an estimated 4,000 people are affected by the closure. Fiji's bloggers and commenters provide their take on the matter.

Australia Waking to Cancún

  29 November 2010

In the lead up to Cancún (the COP16 meeting of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol) online discussion in Australia has finally spiked. Here are sample blog reactions

Fiji: Government explains deportation of Fiji Water boss

  26 November 2010

Fiji's government says David Roth, Fiji Water’s local representative, was kicked out of the country because he was interfering with internal affairs. Is this the real reason? What will the deportation mean for other foreign investors? And what about Fiji's bottom line?

Australia: Same-Sex Marriage a Step Closer?

  16 November 2010

Australia’s parliament is currently debating a private members bill about gay marriage. This one is not to change the law, merely to consult with the public about the issue. Many in the Oz blogosphere have strong views.

Hillary Clinton Gets Aussie Salute

  11 November 2010

When Hillary Clinton arrived in Australia last week, she was welcomed by Foreign Minister and former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on twitter: RT @KRuddMP: Welcomed Hillary to Oz at Melbourne...

About our Oceania coverage

Mong Palatino
Mong Palatino is the South East Asia editor (his region overlaps with this one). Email him story ideas or volunteer to write.