· June, 2010

Stories about Oceania from June, 2010

East Timor: Expansion of the Energy Sector under Discussion

  21 June 2010

The past months have revealed serious tensions between Timorese leaders, Australia, and Woodside Petroleum, a multinational company hoping to profit from new petroleum resources in Timorese and Australian territory. At issue is where to pipe valuable Liquefied Natural Gas.

Fiji: Tackling the land tenure issue

  15 June 2010

Because of its ties to ethnicity, culture and a growing import food bill, land tenure is one of Fiji’s most pressing problems. The government will soon attempt to reform the country’s land tenure system, which has largely remained untouched since the mid-1970s.

Australians Reflect on Obama's Presidency So Far

  14 June 2010

U.S. President Barack Obama has cancelled a trip to Australia for the second time this year, because of the oil spill crisis. Last time the reason was health care legislation. In his absence bloggers have been assessing his role and his performance as President

About our Oceania coverage

Mong Palatino
Mong Palatino is the South East Asia editor (his region overlaps with this one). Email him story ideas or volunteer to write.