Stories about U.S.A. from October, 2014
The Space Race Is Over, But Russian Schadenfreude at American Rocket Troubles Soars
In Russia's post-Crimea era, almost any event seems capable of sparking spasms of patriotic fervor. Thanks to the legacy of the Cold War, space travel is a particularly sensitive flashpoint.
‘Storytelling and Media for a Better World': the 2014 Transformational Media Summit in DC
Participants at the TMSummit will discuss storytelling, collaborative creativity, new technology, sustainable business and living, wellbeing and health, photography, film and music, and journalism, among other issues.
Outrage Over Transgender Woman's Suspected Murder by US Marine in the Philippines
The case has led some in the Philippines to call for the military agreements between their country and the United States to be scrapped.
Facebook's Zuckerberg Promotes Greater Internet Access in Indonesia
Indonesia has one of the biggest and most active social media communities in the world -- and Mark Zuckerberg wants to get in on the action.
American Actor Mark Ruffalo Retracts His Viral Endorsement of Brazilian Presidential Hopeful Over Gay Marriage
Marina Silva has learned not to disappoint Mark Ruffalo, who famously played the Hulk in the film "The Avengers," on marriage equality. You wouldn't like him when he's disappointed.
La Respuesta, an Online Magazine by and for the Millions of Puerto Ricans Living in the US
"One of our core values is to look critically at oppressive elements such as colonialism, racism, trans/ homophobia, sexism..." explains Xavier Burgo Peña, editor and co-founder of "La Respuesta."
Russian Mathematician Aids Hong Kong's ‘America-Orchestrated Color Revolution’
Given the popular frame in Russia that the United States is masterminding Hong Kong’s pro-democracy demonstrations, FireChat’s Moscow-educated co-founder is awkward for the pro-Kremlin press.
Once Banned From the US, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Goes Stateside
Modi, who was banned from entering the United States for nearly 10 years, has reached out to the Indian diaspora in the US and top CEOs during his visit.