Stories about U.S.A. from October, 2010
Iran:Palin, Crowley in Twitter Duel
According to several news sites “a tongue-in-cheek US birthday message to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over Twitter [by PJ Crowley State Department spokesman] may not have reached the intended recipient,...
US: Stop Meddling with Palestinian Online Conversations
Jillian C York is concerned with the policy recommendations of a study released by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies on Palestinian social media.
Serbia: Netizens Discuss a U.S. Fighter Pilot's Suicide
The tragic death of American fighter pilot Lt. Col. Harold F. "Hootch" Meyers, who committed a suicide at his home in Santa Barbara on Sept. 12, echoed in the Serbian media and online communities - and there were strong reasons for it.
Mexico: Blog ‘Words of Resistance’ Publishes Stories of Teenagers from Oaxaca
The blog Words of Resistance is “a space for stories written by students from Zapotitlán’s middle school (grade 7-9) who are transforming their reality word by word.” The students live...
Ukraine, USA: Kuchma and Clinton
Ukrainiana writes about the current political situation in Ukraine, the Gongadze case, and ex-president Kuchma's special relationship with ex-president Clinton – here and here.
Russia, U.S.: Schwarzenegger in Moscow
More on Arnold Schwarzenegger's recent visit to Moscow – at The Putin State Chronicles, The Russia Monitor, Robert Amsterdam's blog, and Russia! (here, here, and here).
Macedonia: Provincialisation of TV News Coverage
In an excerpt from his master's thesis, Sead Dzigal posted data [MKD] on the content of TV newscasts in Macedonia from September 2009. National/local politics – 37%, crime chronicle –...
World: One Day on Earth on 10.10.10
The One Day on Earth project is only a day away, a day where people from all over the planet will record videos during that day, send them in, and they will become part of a documentary film and experience that will represent a snapshot of humankind.
Can We Halve Global Hunger by 2015?
World leaders from some 140 countries gathered at a United Nations Summit in New York from September 20-22 to discuss the best approaches for achieving eight poverty-reducing goals by 2015. One goal: To halve global hunger between 1990 and 2015.
Puerto Rico: 133 Law and Order Officers Accused
The United States Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) has just announced the arrests of 133 Puerto Rico state police officers, municipal police officers, officers of the Corrections Department and of...
Exiled Tibetans Protesting Seizing of Ballot Boxes In Nepal
Angry Tibetans around the world are condemning Nepal’s actions in confiscating their ballot boxes by protesting in front of the Nepalese consulates. In New York, despite the rain, they carried banners and shouted, “China respect Democracy in Nepal,” and “Nepal, Give Back Our Ballot Boxes Now.”
Pakistan: Dr. Aafia Siddiqui Case – A Veiled Mystery
A recent verdict by a Federal Court in Manhattan, sentencing Pakistani neuro-scientist Dr. Aafia Siddiqui an imprisonment of 86 years, has sparked reactions all over the world. Dr. Siddiqui was detained with her three children in an Afghanistan prison without trial for many years and was finally charged with attempted murder of US officers while in detention.
Muslim World & US: Burning the Quran, Media Attention & Terry Jones
Terry Jones and his Dove World Outreach Center have drawn vast international media attention for a plan that had scheduled the burning of the Quran today, September 11th, in Gainesville, Florida. Than plan has since been scrapped. Netizens react in this post.