Stories about U.S.A. from September, 2009
USA: Immigrant Students in National Day of Action
The National Dream Act Day of Action was initiated by the United We DREAM Coalition and was supported by dozens of organizations across university campuses in the USA last week.
Israel: Losing Patience with Obama
“We are losing patience with Obama as well, and so are many of the American people,” writes Israeli Goyisherebbe, at Shiloh Musings.
Poland: Sexual Crimes and Roman Polanski
Polandian writes about Poland's plans to legalize chemical castration for those who commit sexual crimes against minors – and about the arrest of Roman Polanski in Switzerland and the Polish...
People with disabilities and the promise of ICTs
More than 600 million people in the world live with disabilities. Oftentimes, poverty and disabilities go hand-in-hand. Can the promise of ICTs help disabled people better integrate socially and economically?
Pakistan: The way we are treated at US airports
“As a friend of progressive forces, and as an American who is proud to be an American, I urge the United States government to re-consider this policy of secondary searches...
Japan: Lessons in Communication from the Hatoyama Essay
When an online Op-Ed piece by current Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama appeared in the New York Times just days before the Lower House elections last month, national reaction ranged from...
Syrian Students Banned From Using Supercomputer at KAUST
Wael Alwani said on his blog [ar] that Syrian Students at King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST) are forbidden from using Shaheen, a US made supercomputer, due to...
Israel: Leonard Cohen Performs to Rave Reviews
Songmaster Leonard Cohen visited Israel this week, performing to a sold out crowd of 47,000 fans. Israeli bloggers who were lucky enough to attend gave rave reviews.
Iran: Green rage against Ahmadinejad in New York
Protesters against Iranian human rights violations and election irregularities demonstrated against Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York City, as he addressed the United Nations General Assembly.
USA: Clashes with Police at Pittsburgh G-20 Summit
Citizens published photos and videos of clashes between protesters and police during the G-20 meeting of world leaders in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania this week.
World: Tweeting Gaddafi's Address to the United Nations
In his first address to the United Nations General Assembly, Libyan leader Muammer Gaddafi more than made up for lost time. His speech trailed on for six times the allotted slot, as world leaders laughed and yawned. On Twitter, users had a ball reacting to the speech.
Video Contest: Citizen Embassadors for the 64th UN Day
Actor George Clooney explains how you can participate and be one of the 5 winners who get a chance to be a part of the 64th UN Day in the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.
Africa: Africa Code Camp
An announcement of AfricaCodeCamp next month: “So on the 4th of October we'll get as many of these innovators as possible together in one place in San Francisco, to problem...
U.S., Europe: “R.I.P. Missile Defense”
A roundup of blog coverage of the Obama Administration's decision to abandon plans to build the missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic: A Fistful of Euros; Edward Lucas;...
Cuba: gift packages
The Cuban Triangle analyses the US Commerce Department's new regulations on sending gift packages to Cuba. “These regulations are another good, humane move…. It recognizes that Americans in general might...
USA: Pilgrimage into the Wild
Numerous fans of the best-selling book Into the Wild make the treacherous journey to the exact location in Alaska where its main character died in an abandoned public bus. Thankfully, many live to blog about it too.
USA: Video Contest Promotes “Swine Flu” Prevention
In anticipation of flu season, which officially kicks off October 4, the U.S. government announced the winner of a video contest today to encourage flu prevention, including stopping H1N1 or swine flu.
Haiti, USA: MacArthur award for Danticat
Repeating Islands reports that Haitian-American writer Edwidge Danticat has won a prestigious “genius award” from the MacArthur Foundation.
USA: Eid Postage Stamp Provokes Hate in Tennessee
A chain e-mail that falsely claims President Obama has issued a new postage stamp commemorating the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr has even reached a Tennessee mayor who forwarded it to employees encouraging them to boycott the stamp.
USA: Video contest on H1N1 flu prevention
Corine Clesnes, on her blog Big Picture, notes [fr] that the US government launched the 2009 Flu Prevention PSA Contest, to promote the best ‘viral’ videos’ on flu prevention.
Indonesia, USA: Segway the symbol of US economy failure?
Jotman thinks the Segway PT, quoted as “the world's first self-balancing human transporter”, symbolizes everything that is wrong with the American economy.