· March, 2007

Stories about U.S.A. from March, 2007

Egypt: Speaker Woes

  23 March 2007

Egyptian blogger Zeinobia gives us her two cents on what she thinks of the list of speakers who attended a conference on Secular Islam in Florida, US. “I don't know...

Haiti: Chavez Visit and the Diplomatic Dance

  16 March 2007

Anticipating Chavez's upcoming visit to Haiti, Roody Edme writes [Fr]: “His arrival requires an apt diplomatic dance… The recent American decision to list the country as a nation that might...

South Asia: Inter Immigrant Solidarity

  15 March 2007

Sepia Mutiny on inter-immigrant solidarity in the US. “There are many layers of solidarity here: Islam, immigration, and a lot of professional overlap, particularly in the taxi and livery cab...

Africa: China vs US

  8 March 2007

The Varsjinskij Prophecies sees a possible collision between China and the United States in Africa, “The fact that Hu’s visit and the announcement of AFRICOM coincided was most likely a...

Francophone Bloggers on Oscars and Césars

  7 March 2007

Hostess Valérie Lemercier performs a Guadeloupean zouk hit from the 80's at the Césars awards. Blogger reactions to the recent film award ceremonies in France and America are quite varied....