· January, 2006

Stories about U.S.A. from January, 2006

Caribbean: The Taíno & Catholicism

  31 January 2006

Indigenous issues blog Voice of the Taino people links to an article entitled “Christianity, Capitalism, Corporations, and the Myth of Dominion”, noting that the “Roman” Catholic Church still has not...

We Love Cooking!

  28 January 2006

#1: All Indian food does NOT taste the same! From the UK, We all live downstream explains this popular belief that find its roots in the lack of adventurous spirit...

Revolutionary Awareness in the WSF

  28 January 2006

Bloggers attending the World Social Forum in Caracas have been speaking out with constructive criticisms on organizational pitfalls. Issues related to transportation, the youth camp facilities, and information problems have...

USA: Life Thread

  24 January 2006

Los Hilos de la Vida or “Threads of Life” is a group blog by English as a Second Language students in Boonville, California. Every post tells the story of a...

Jamaica: Restorative Justice

  18 January 2006

Jamaica Express announces a lecture on Restorative Justice in Jamaica taking place on Thursday 19 January at the Ames Courtroom, Harvard Law School at 7:30pm. The event is sponsored by...

Puerto Rico: A model for a new world order?

  11 January 2006

Lowatel calls for morality-based decision making in the Puerto Rican political process and advances the idea of the country as an “independent sovereign country” within an economic bloc or association...

Venezuela: Belafonte hearts Chavez

  9 January 2006

CaribPundit is disgusted that Jamaican-American performing legend and human rights campaigner Harry Belafonte supports Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. “Fer cryin’ out loud, Harry,” says CaribPundit in a post entitled “Just...

Blogging in Exile

  7 January 2006

The following article was originally written in Spanish by Sebastian Delmont, a Venezuelan native who now lives and blogs in New York City. It was published in the first (and...

Cooking up the World!

  7 January 2006

How many people that are lactose-intolerant do you know? Well, I have good news for them: “Raw Milk”. Verdant San Francisco tells us his story about how he became vegan...

Caribbean: Real estate

  7 January 2006

Own a villa in the US Virgin Islands? Then you're in luck, as Frank Barnako is reporting that the value of of residential properties in St. Thomas, St. Croix and...

World: Holiday Food Recipes

  3 January 2006

Melissa, a chef from Panama – whose blog, Cooking Diva is recommended only if are not hungry – had the excellent idea of hosting a New Year's international recipe swap...