· September, 2005

Stories about U.S.A. from September, 2005

North Korea: Business as usual

  21 September 2005

NKZone wraps up the aftermath of Monday's North Korean nuclear agreement, saying Pyongyang has already reneged on the Beijing statement.

North Korea: Nuke-free pledge

  19 September 2005

One Free Korea takes apart, in a point-by-point analysis, the unexpected announcement that North Korea will give up its nuclear weapons program in exchange for security and assistance guarantees from...

Malaysia: Katrina Help

  6 September 2005

Wither universalism? An AFP story recounts pledges of aid and help to Katrina Hurricane victims coming from the rich and poor of Asian countries except Malaysia. Tech blogger LiewCF is...

South Asian blog roundup

  4 September 2005

The main buzz of many South Asian blogs were about the Hurricane Katrina that caused extensive and severe damage in much of the southeastern United States. Bangladesh: - British journalist...