Stories about North America from July, 2019
From Nigeria to Zanzibar, Africa quietly played a critical role in US moon landing
To this day, few people know about Project Mercury space stations in Nigeria and Zanzibar, part of a groundbreaking global communications network that helped pave the way for Apollo 11.
Online photo collection gives inside glimpse of Occupation-era Japan—and saga of Japanese-American internment
The Theodore Akimoto Family Collection features more than 250 photographs of postwar Japan.
Kim Kardashian, cultural appropriation, and genocide
While combining "Kim Kardashian", "kimono" and "cultural appropriation" into a sentence seems almost comically idiotic, cultural appropriation can be deadly, which is reason enough to take cultural appropriation seriously today.
Netizen Report: Preventing bias or protecting extremism? Debunking the new US Senate proposal for Silicon Valley
Cuba bans citizens from using foreign web hosts, Iran's internet falters and The Guardian shows that even tourists are subject to targeted surveillance in western China.