· April, 2014

Stories about North America from April, 2014

Good Enough to Work: Low Pay and No Rights

  28 April 2014

Undocumented labor contributes to the U.S. economy and this contribution would not be possible without a workforce among whom millions have already risked incarceration, deportation, physical abuse, and death.

Everyone's “Gabo”

  18 April 2014

The death of Gabriel García Márquez shocked the United States. The media and Twitter captured the aftermath.

A Kibera Love Story

  7 April 2014

This is a fascinating love story between Sam from Kibera, a slum in the city of Nairobi, Kenya and Alissa from Minnesota, USA: This has to be the love story...

GV Face: The USA's Secret “Cuban Twitter”

GV Face  4 April 2014

A secret US plan to support regime change in Cuba with a Twitter-like messaging service called ZunZuneo has now come under the spotlight with news reports that thousands of Cubans...