Stories about North America from June, 2013
Bottling Happiness in Lahore and California
California-based Pakistani blogger Noorulain Noor writes a hauntingly beautiful blogpost about her desire to bottle her happy moments from California and her childhood in Lahore, Pakistan.
US Got Snowden's Name Wrong on Extradition Papers, Hong Kong Says
Hong Kong's secretary of justice explained othat officials permitted American whistleblower Edward Snowden to fly out of the city because the US failed to respond to their questions in time regarding their case against Snowden as well as address Snowden's allegations that the US hacked Hong Kong.
Outrage in the European Union over United States Espionage Program
After Edward Snowden revealed the existence of PRISM, a North American secret service program, a few days ago, European Union authorities have demanded explanations from the North American government.
China Shoots Down Accusations that Edward Snowden is a Spy
Edward Snowden, the whistleblower behind the revelations of the United States massive Internet spying program, turned to the Guardian newspaper once again, this time for an online Q&A, shortly after China broke its silence over the leaking scandal and said Snowden was not a spy for the country. Despite a cautious response from the government, China's online world has been abuzz with chatter surrounding the case.
Analysis on North Korea's Nuclear Talk
North Korea has recently tried to open discussion with South Korea and the United States on the denuclearization issue. 38 North project site posted a detailed analysis on current inter-Korean dynamics and...
Vladimir Putin: Lord of the (Super Bowl) Rings
Did Vladimir Putin steal New England Patriots' owner Robert Kraft's Super Bowl ring when they met in 2005? Many Russian bloggers are asking that very question, after Kraft claimed in a June 14, 2013, New York Post interview that he had in fact not given the ring as a gift.
Support Snowden Rally in Hong Kong
HongWrong has collected a large number of media reports on the rally to support Edward Snowden in Hong Kong on 15 of June, 2013. Hundreds rallied in the rain demanding...
Iranians in Canada Cast Symbolic Votes Days Before Election
Iranians in Canada cannot vote in Iran's presidential election this week, but thanks to an initiative by a group of Iranian expatriates they were at least able to cast a symbolic ballot.
Snowden Hides in Hong Kong, US-China Diplomacy Takes Center Stage
As Edward Snowden, a US whistleblower hides out in Hong Kong, a wave of nationalism has hit China's blogosphere. Many netizens see the US government's vast snooping as a chance for Beijing to score political points and strike back at the accusations of cyber-espionage that China often faces.
Rwanda: NGO's Pursuit for Justice against Perpetrators of Genocide
Rwanda remembered the start of the genocide on April 7, as they have done every year since 1994. In the 19 years following the genocide, the hunt for the perpetrators of crimes against humanity has never ceased. In France, the Collective of Civil Plaintiffs for Rwanda (CPCR) is one of the organisations that fight against impunity. Its Chairman, Alain Gauthier, answered some questions by Global Voices author Abdoulaye Bah:
Government Invites Citizens to Co-Sponsor Bills
Citizens can now “co-sponsor” and track progress on legislation via their Facebook profiles thanks to a new initiative of the U.S. Office of the House Majority Leader.