· April, 2010

Stories about North America from April, 2010

Global Voices Gets Redesigned: Welcome Back!

  29 April 2010

As you may have noticed, a few things have changed here at Global Voices. Our old design, beloved as it was, has been replaced. This new design heralds a new era of multi-lingualism in Global Voices, we hope you are as excited as we are.

US, Russia: Views on START

  23 April 2010

A Good Treaty reviews shortcomings and advantages of the newly-signed US-Russia Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), as perceived by various political groups in the United States and Russia.

Haiti: Food Aid

  22 April 2010

A mainstream media news story which highlights “the problems posed by continued food aid to Haiti”, grabs the attention of Ellen in Haiti, who says: “The problem with the article...

Haiti: Threat of Rain

  22 April 2010

Concern Blogs reports that “the United Nations has determined that 9,000 of [Haiti's] Bourdon Valley’s residents are at immediate risk of losing their lives in this area due to dangers...

Cuba: Hunger Strikers

  20 April 2010

El Cafe Cubano links to a story which claims that imprisoned hunger striker Guillermo Fariñas is close to death, while Uncommon Sense reports that yet another Cuban political prisoner has...

16 Years Later, the Rwandan Genocide Remembered

  10 April 2010

On April 7th, Rwanda commemorated the 16th anniversary of the genocide that took the lives of as many as 800,000 people and traumatized a whole region to this day. The genocide is commemorated to keep the memory of the victims alive and honor them but also to help the country move forward in the spirit of unity and reconciliation.

Kyrgyzstan: Social Media Create and Fight Information Overload

RuNet Echo  10 April 2010

The coverage of recent bloody events in Kyrgyzstan by online and traditional media caused information overload that made it very difficult to create a consistent picture. That is why bloggers who focused on monitoring the information, checking its credibility and creating consistent picture of events, played an important role in an adequate coverage of the protests.

Haiti: “The Quake”

  6 April 2010

The Haitian Blogger calls PBS’ recent documentary on the Haitian earthquake “distorted”, saying: “It would have been great if the writers and producers of ‘The Quake’ had offered a documentary...

Jamaica: Taking it to Court

  6 April 2010

Yardflex.com reports that the Jamaican government will bring the U.S.’ extradition request for Christopher “Dudus” Coke before the courts.

Guyana, U.S.A.: Identity

  1 April 2010

Diaspora blogger Signifyin’ Guyana has a message for the U.S. Census Bureau – she's “G-U-Y-A-N-A-A-F-R-O-C-A-R-I-B-B-E-A-N!”