Stories about North America from January, 2009
Guadeloupe: Pépin questions national conscience
In the midst of the social unrest that has been shaking Guadeloupe for almost 11 days, Indiscrétions publishes writer Ernest Pépin's letter to his fellow Guadeloupeans.
MENA: Reflections on Obama's Al Arabiya Interview
It came as a surprise to many people that US President Barack Obama gave his first formal interview as president to an Arab television channel. Some were optimistic with Obama's replies, while others were disappointed. Yet, almost everybody was more concerned about the decision to have the interview conducted for Al Arabiya.
Georgia: Glukhov's Case; U.S.-Based “Georgian Chalabis”
Scraps of Moscow writes about Aleksandr Glukhov's case, and notes on the possibility “that Georgian Chalabis are already being groomed Stateside.”
Egypt: What Next After Guantanamo Bay?
“Honestly, what do you put on your resume after spending a couple of years working as a Guantanamo Bay interrogator? And where do you apply for work?” asks Egyptian Sandmonkey,...
Hong Kong: From Censorship Debate to Critique of Christian Right
The debate over censorship of indecency in Hong Kong sparkled by the consultation on the Control of Obscene and Indecent Article Ordinance (COIAO) has developed into a critique of religious...
Japan: Obama vs. Aso
Like every other country in the world, Japan, one of the strongest of America's allies in Asia, followed closely the election of President Obama. His speech has been broadcast, translated and commented on in all kinds of ways by the Japanese media and local TV shows. So it was natural that many bloggers drew a comparisons between the American President and the Japanese Prime Minister, Tarō Asō.
Armenia-Azerbaijan: Young Bloggers Bridge Geopolitical Divides
Nearly 15 years after a ceasefire agreement put the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of Nagorno Karabakh on hold, a lasting peace remains elusive and few citizens of either country have the opportunity to meet or communicate with the other. That might all be set to change, however, with DOTCOM, a project funded by the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and implemented by Project Harmony.
Trinidad & Tobago, U.S.A.: Bye Bye Bush
Notes from Port of Spain has a few parting shots…um…thoughts on former President George W. Bush.
Haiti, U.S.A.: Obama & Abortion
Haitian diaspora blogger Finian says: “This is where Obama loses my support. I believe abortion on demand is wrong.”
China and U.S: The Timing of Charter 08
Roland discusses about the timing of Charter 08, a joint statement for political reform signed by more than 300 intellectuals, in relation to the politics in the U.S to account...
U.S.: Polish Place Names
A compendium of U.S. towns with Polish names – at Polandian.
Hungary: Views on Obama
Belatedly, a post on the Hungarian reactions to Barack Obama's inauguration – at Hungarian Spectrum.
United States: Nedjo Ikonic's Deportation Case
Kirk Johnson of Americans for Bosnia writes that “the ever-vigilant Daniel at Srebrenica Genocide Blog has passed along a disturbing story about a US District Judge who evidently doesn't think...
Russia: LJ and “the Western Powers”
IZO writes that “the importance of the Russian LiveJournal blogosphere is leading the Western Powers to suck up to the leading bloggers and infiltrate the discussion sites.”
China: Debate over RMB exchange rate
China matter sums up the debate over RMB valuation between the U.S and China government.
Jamaica, U.S.A.: Inauguration Thoughts
Jamaican Annie Paul features Washington D.C.-based activist Shani Jamila's musings on the inauguration of Barack Obama.
Armenia: Human Rights Defender Awarded
Unzipped: Gay Armenia pays tribute to local human rights activist Mikael Danielyan who received the Defender of Freedom award during a reception held at the U.S. Embassy dedicated to Martin...
Ukraine, Canada: Crossword House, Varenyk and Pysanka
LJ user alex-pingvin posts a picture of a “crossword house” on Andrey Sakharov St. in Lviv. Flickr user mariyaz posts pictures of “the biggest dumpling ever (Ukrainian pyrogy) in Glendon...
Cuba, U.S.A.: An Important Introduction
“The man is worth your support, and then some, especially after he was arrested while traveling to Havana to watch your inauguration as a guest of the U.S. Interest Section”:...
Bermuda, U.S.A.: Ethics & Transparency
Vexed Bermoothes thinks that “it is telling that the first orders issued by President Obama…dealt with ethics and transparency in Government” and that “Bermudians must take note of our inadequacies...
Barbados, U.S.A.: True Identity
Living in Barbados is hoping that “President Obama will help us in the Caribbean and those in Africa rediscover who and what we really are.”