Stories about North America from November, 2007
Special Coverage: Middle East Peace 2007
The Middle East Question has grabbed the international headlines for more than half a century. It is now the turn of the region's netizens to vent off and add their perspectives to events touching their lives and the security and stability of the countries they live in. Read about what the region's most outspoken bloggers have to say in our Middle East Peace 2007 Special Coverage page.
Israel: Blogger's Views on the Annapolis Summit
The Annapolis Conference, held on November 27, 2007 at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, ended with the issuing of a joint statement from all parties. Over the past week, Israeli bloggers shared mostly pessimistic voices around the topic of this conference. Many are cynical to the possibility of peace emanating from these leaders who have little support from their people.
Azerbaijan: Djulfa
Blogian reports that a documentary highlighting the destruction of an Armenian cemetery in the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhichevan is being distributed to members of the U.S. Congress. However, the Armenian...
Russia: Double Standards
Sean's Russia Blog writes about double standards in coverage and reactions to the Russian election in the West: “To think President Bush had to nerve to throw his two cents...
Annapolis: The View from the Middle East
With leaders and politicians from the Middle East and far afield meeting in Annapolis, US, over brokering a peace deal between Israel and its Arab neighbours, the mood remains somber, skeptical and pessimistic among bloggers from the region.
Armenia: Renovated Toilets
Kyle's Journey in Armenia updates its readers on a current Peace Corps project to renovate the bathroom and sewer system in a local school. With substandard facilities at present, the...
Trinidad & Tobago: Bravo!
Now Is Wow is excited that the feature she worked on for Ledaserene Films will be airing tonight on the Bravo Canada channel.
Bosnia & Herzegovina, U.S.: Genocide Suspects to Be Deported
Srebrenica Genocide Blog reports on two genocide suspects to be deported to Bosnia after being convicted for lying on their U.S. immigration papers.
China: New York Charging Bull hits public
Critiques on Chinese tourists’ vulgar behaviors and ignorance of public rules on foreign land have been all-too-familiar. But this time, the Charging Bull sculpture in Wall-street aroused netizens’ different voices.
Armenia: HaShiSh
Life in the Armenian Diaspora reports that HaShiSh, an Armenian punk rock band from South America, is touring the U.S. Meanwhile, Unzipped posts an account of former System of a...
Armenia: Telethon
Run by an immigrant from Armenia now living in the United States, Blogian urges its readers to make a donation to the annual Thanksgiving Day Telethon held in the Diaspora....
Slovenia: Last Combat's Dormant Battles
On Last Combat, Slovenia is, so far, a rather obscure place, writes The Glory of Carniola. Russia is a pretty busy battlefield, though.
Jordan: Americans Not Too Rich
Americans are not as ‘rich’ as they seem, argues Jordanian blogger Hareega.
Lebanon: You Are Interfering
“After a publicly open back and forth discussion between the U.S. of A. and Syria, each, blaming the other for interfering in the Lebanese presidential elections; I see no room...
Cuba, USA: Giving Thanks
“Thanksgivings are perhaps the truest proof of our Cuban-Americaness,” writes Babalu Blog: “On the fourth Thursday of every November we have on our tables…the best of both worlds.”
U.S., Ukraine: Holodomor Exhibit in NJ
Nash Holos writes about a Holodomor exhibit that has opened in New Jersey and includes “large scale reproductions of the lost diaries including one discovered just last year. These pages...
Armenia: USA Today?
Blogian says that an editor at USA Today has questioned reports in the Armenian media that a localized weekly digest of its material is to be published in Armenia this...
The Transborder Immigrant Project
Andre Lemos [pt] talks about Ricardo Dominguez's The Transborder Immigrant Project which has just won the Transnational Communities Award.”It is a mix of art and activism. Using mobile phones equiped...
Jordan: Guantanamo Bay Sad Story
Following the release of two Jordanians from the high-security Guantanamo Bay prison, Jordanian blogger Hareega admits that he is weary of men with beards (extreme religious men). He also adds...
Jamaica, U.S.A.: Impulse Purchase?
“When I travel back to the U.S. I am blown away by how often the message is beamed at me to ‘BUY NOW, OR ELSE.’ Here in Jamaica, however, things...
Estonia: “In the Soviet Times”
Itching for Eestimaa shares a few “in the Soviet times” stories, Estonian and otherwise.