· June, 2007

Stories about North America from June, 2007

Russia: Moscow's Top Secret and Other Exaggerations

According to a recent survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Moscow is “the world’s most expensive city for expatriates for the second consecutive year.” To Moscow locals, however, Mercer’s findings may look a bit like an exaggeration - and one blogger explains why. Another blogger happens to cross paths with Vladimir Putin's motorcade in Moscow, getting a glimpse (and a few furtive photos) of the exaggerated security measures taken to secure the president's passage through the city.

Japan: Video Art, Media and Zen

  19 June 2007

An interview with Montreal-born Japan-based video producer Michael Goldberg has been posted at gyaku. In the interview, Goldberg discusses his experience with media art movements in the 60s and 70s,...