Stories about Yemen from May, 2012
Yemen: Suicide Blast on Eve of Unification Anniversary
Nearly 100 people were killed and at least 200 injured when a suicide blast targeted a military parade rehearsal in Yemen's capital Sana'a on May 21. The bomber detonated his explosives in the middle of soldiers rehearsing for the celebrations of the anniversary of the country's unification.
Yemen: Millions Go Hungry in Ongoing Food Crisis
In Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the Arab world, millions of people are facing a severe humanitarian crisis, widespread hunger and chronic malnutrition. New figures from the World Food Programme indicate that 45 percent of the population do not have enough to eat.
Yemen: The #NoDrones Campaign
Yemenis have launched a campaign on Twitter to express their condemnation of the United States' drone war in Yemen. They are tweeting under the hashtag #NoDrones, and have asked non-Yemenis to speak out and join them in their campaign.
Yemen: How Many Women Have Been Subject to Sexual Harassment?
An article published in pan-Arab newspaper Al Hayat on May 2, claiming that 90% of Yemeni women have been subject to sexual harassment, has caused a stir online.
Yemen: Anger at Expansion of US Drone War
The United States has recently expanded its campaign of drone strikes in Yemen, to widespread anger and concern. Drone strikes against suspected Al Qaeda operatives have been launched under expanded authority allowing the CIA and military to fire without knowing the targets' identity.