Stories about Turkey from July, 2015
Greece Crisis Propelling Some Ethnic Greeks Back to Their Homeland on a Turkish Island
Greeks and Turks share a love and pride for the beautiful island called Gökçeada by the former and Imbros by the latter.
The 20-Year-Old Activist Who Died Trying to Help Rebuild a City
Most of the 32 people killed in a bombing in Turkey were university students and activists. Hatice Ezgi Sadet, a 20-year-old from Istanbul, was among them.
Blame Game Follows Horrific Violence in Eastern Turkey
"The people who died were humans, is it this hard to value people only by knowing that they have the fundamental right to life... Why are we fighting?"
R.I.P. Özgür Uçkan: Netizens of Turkey Lose One of Their Best
Dr. Özgür Uçkan, a leading light in the battle for Internet freedom in Turkey, died on July 10, 2015.