Stories about Turkey from February, 2008
Turkey: Hijab Ban Lifted
Erkan's field diary discusses Turkey's lifting of the headscarf (Hijab) ban in his country.
Middle East: Protesting Love
Valentine's Day has come and gone, but in the Middle East, the debate still continues on whether it is an occasion which should be celebrated or shunned. With both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait warning against Valentine's Day celebrations, bloggers had a lot to talk about.
Turkey: Meeting Ethan Zuckerman and Other Geeky People
Turkish blogger Erkan writes about meeting GV co-founder Ethan Zuckerman and many other “cool and geeky” people at a two-day conference in Istanbul.
Turkey is Typing… Turban or No Turban?
The "Turban" (or Islamic Headscarf) in Turkey has always been a hot-button issue within the Republic. This week, the Turkish parliament approved a preliminary bill that would allow women to wear headscarves at University... the result of which has caused an outcry from many sections of Turkish society. Is the lifting of the headscarf ban a sign of a positive democratic process or the slow takeover of a religious autocracy?