· June, 2007

Stories about Turkey from June, 2007

Turkey is Typing…Favorite Posts of the Week

  26 June 2007

Today's Turkey is Typing takes us through my list of favorite postings this week: from prostitution as a cause of the holocaust, a curse or two, culturicide, bureaucracy and carpet cleaning, a new edition of the guide to Turkish blogs....and a startling omission about what someone would do for love of a 'smoking hot' bod.

Turkey is Typing…Sex Matters

  20 June 2007

The equality of the sexes has been a topic on the fingertips of Turkish bloggers as of late. Even with reforms to the penal code about a woman's right to veil (or not too), a woman's freedom of body, and stricter repercussions for rape, the equality between man and woman in Turkey is still contested. The legacy of Ataturk's secular reforms when the Republic of Turkey was founded has given the country the veneer of female equality...but with probing questions does the polish wear away?

Algeria: On the Kurds in Iraq

  8 June 2007

“With the situation between Turkey, the PKK, and Iraqi Kurdistan heating up, with regular engagements between Turkish and PKK forces along the Turco-Iraqi borderlands and the Iraqi President Jalal Talabani...

About our Turkey coverage

Arzu Geybullayeva
Arzu Geybullayeva is the Turkey editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.