Stories about Qatar from February, 2007
Algeria: Arabic Threatened in Qatar?
Algerian blogger Lameen Souag argues that the Arabic language is being threatened in Qatar, where the emphasis is on teaching youngsters English at an early age.
Arabisc: Pictorial Tour of the Middle East
Fed up of all the politics in the Middle East? Me too. This week we will take a pictorial tour of the region, making stops in Qatar, Bahrain, Tunisia and...
Qatar: US Islamic Forum
Blogger Abu Aardvark (Marc Lynch) is off to Doha, Qatar, to participate the US-Islamic World Forum. “I hope to be able to blog from Doha like I did last time,...
UAE: Oil Spy and Sex Expert?
UAE-based blogger Cowboy Media links to news reports on an oil spy in Qatar and a sex expert in Saudi Arabia.
Arabisc: Egyptian Women a Cut Above the Rest
Prostitution, female circumcision and lesbianism aren't vices restricted to Egyptian woman, says Egyptian blogger Tamr Heneh, in an open letter to Egyptian talk show hostess Dr Hala Sarhan. According to...
Israel: Al Jazeera has Arrived
Qatari television network Al Jazeera has opened an office in Israel, writes blogger Eliesheva. “My Israeli side is annoyed; why do they get to freely tramp around the country as...
Bahrain: Genetically Engineered Food Alert!
Bahrain-based blogger Haitham Sabbah raises the alarm about the presence of genetically engineered food, which is not labelled, floating about in the markets of Kuwait, Qatar, the UAE and even...
A Week Goes by in Kuwait
Do you doodle ? Well Nibaq over at Savior Machine not only doodles, but he leaves his doodle machine in the bathroom and everyone in household doodles on it. This...