Stories about Palestine from June, 2010
Lebanon: Facebook Group in Support of Gaza-bound Maryam
Lebanese activists formed a Facebook group in support of a Gaza-bound ship called We are All Maryam (Ar).
Israel: World Cup Bonanza – Back to the Game
Maya Norton's attempts to find World Cup reactions in Israeli blogs are being foiled by a minor dilemma - it seems that most Israeli World Cup fans are too busy watching the games to blog about it. Here's a sampling from bloggers who found the time.
Israel: Dubious Thanks to USAID
JoeSettler posts a photo of a sign he often passes that reads, “This [road] is a gift from the American people to the Palestinian people.” “What I think that USAID...
Sri Lanka: Reflections On The Problems In Gaza
Sri Lankan MP and blogger Rajiva Wijesinha reflects on the adjournment of resolution on the problems in Gaza: “the world is desperately in need of consensus based on universally accepted...
France: Reflections on Being Part of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla
Miloud was on board of a Greek ship sailing to Gaza with the Freedom Flottilla that was raided by the IDF. Back in his home town of Marseilles, he tells...
Egypt: Iara Lee's Flotilla Attack Footage
Egyptian blogger Zeinobia posts Iara Lee's one-hour footage from the Gaza-bound flotilla on the night it was attacked by Israeli commandos here.
Israel: iPhone Weather App Divides Jerusalem
If you want to know the weather for Jerusalem on your iPhone, you're going to have to get specific, reports Jewlicious‘ CK. You will now have to choose between East...
Israel: Violence, Non-Violence, and Palestinian Solidarity
In “7 Reasons I'm Conflicted about the Fredom Flotilla” Daniel Sieradski writes: “By engaging in violence…[the activists] have demonstrated succinctly to Israel's supporters and allies that they, and by extension...
Global Voices: We are listening
Soon after Israel's deadly raid on a flotilla carrying aid to Gaza, one post on Global Voices sparked furious critique on Twitter. Tarek Amr in Egypt summarizes the debate.
Arab World: Where the Streets are Quiet During Football Games
Millions of people around the world are glued to their television screens, watching the World Cup's opening ceremony from South Africa - and the scene is not that different in the Arab World.
Brazil/Palestine: The Rose of Gaza
Georges Bourdoukan presents [pt] us with a beautiful poem in honor of the victims of the war and continuous violence in Gaza.
Egypt: The First Starbucks Protest in Egypt
The Gaza-bound Flotilla Raid has sparked an uprising in Egypt. Zeinobia covered the first Starbucks Protest in Egypt; A video and photographs were also posted by Sarah Carr and Mostafa...
Egypt: Protests and Policy Changes After Flotilla Raid
News of the flotilla raid in Gaza has sparked an uprising in Egypt. Thousands of Egyptians protested both Israel's actions and the stance of their own government earlier this week.
USA: American student loses eye in West Bank protest
One of the many protests that erupted after Israel's deadly raid on the Turkish aid convoy ended in tragedy for a 21-year-old American student, Emily Henochowicz, who was protesting in the occupied West Bank, at the Qalandiya checkpoint on May 31.
Maghreb: Overwhelming Support for Flotilla Activists
The global outcry following the deadly Israeli attack on the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla has been reflected on streets across the world and throughout the Internet, on social networks and personal blogs. Hisham looks at reactions from the Maghreb in this post.
Palestine: “I am afraid of the sea”
In reaction to the raid on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on May 31, Gaza blogger Kawther Abu Hani has written a poetic post from the perspective of a child, entitled Sweets Don't Drown.
Tunisia: 33 Sarastic Tweets on the #Flotilla Attack
Tunisian blogger Sami ben Gharbia shares what he describes as the “33 most sarcastic tweets about the #flotilla” attack by Israel on a Gaza-bound ship.
Israel: Demonstrations Outside Prison Where Flotilla Passengers Held
Joseph Dana posts a video of demonstrators waving Turkish and Palestinian flags in front of the prison in Beer-Sheva, Israel, where the passengers of the flotilla were being housed until...
Israel: Protests and Counter-Protests in Flotilla's Wake
Alison Avigayil Ramer provides a detailed report on her blog, Your Virtual Community Organizer, of “Demonstrations for and against Israel, the IDF and Turkey in Tel Aviv [Israel] following Flotilla...
Worldwide: Demonstrations for Palestine
Roba from Jordan published pictures from different demonstrations world wide against Israel's last attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, in Holland, Greece, Egypt, United Kingdom, Lebanon, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sweden, France,...
Iraq: The Flotilla Attack – A Series of Double Standards
Iraqi bloggers, whose country has been at the receiving end of sanctions, terrorist attacks, tyranny, Al-Qaida extremists, and wars for a very long time, are having mixed reactions to Israel's attack on the Gaza-bound flotilla. Tarek Amr rounds up their opinions in this post.