Stories about Palestine from September, 2009
Israel: “Ajami” Reveals Nuanced Look at Israeli Society
The film "Ajami" was the big winner at last night's Ophir Prizes and will continue on to international audiences as Israel's foreign film nominee for the 2010 Academy Awards. Israeli bloggers comment on the film, which touches on coexistence between people of different religions.
Israel: Leonard Cohen Performs to Rave Reviews
Songmaster Leonard Cohen visited Israel this week, performing to a sold out crowd of 47,000 fans. Israeli bloggers who were lucky enough to attend gave rave reviews.
Israel: Palestinian TV Comedy Wins Applause from Bloggers
“Country on a String,” a new Palestinian comedy that aired during Ramadan, is being hailed by Israeli bloggers for its creative irreverence. Tamar Orvell of Only Connect writes: “I salute...
Israel/Palestine: Mocking Qaddafi on Wikipedia
Qaddafi = dog? Mu-ha-med of The Traveler Within reports: “I don't what was it that ticked an anonymous user to edit his Wikipedia page, changing the Libyan leader's name in...
Palestine: Real Palestinians?
Palestinian Mohammed Obaidat [Ar] asks his countrymen if they are real Palestinians.
Lebanon: Anger Rebuilding of Palestinian Camp Suspended
Anger and protests erupted in response to the Lebanese Government's decision to suspend the reconstruction of the Nahr el Bared Palestinian refugee camp. Bloggers voice their outrage in this post by Antoun Issa.
Arab Diaspora: Shall I Marry a Non-Arab?
Arab women living in diaspora have hard questions to answer. Should they marry non-Arabs, non-Muslims or converts to Islam? Palestinian blogger Mona, who lives in Canada and blogs at Rebellious Arab Girl, opens a can of worms when she asks these questions in a post, which has attracted 162 comments so far.
Palestine: Scenes from Gaza
For uprooted Palestinians, a trip home is a hard and painful experience. Palestinian blogger Ibrahim [Ar] visits Gaza, and finds himself speechless. He leaves us with a photo album to sum up his visit.
Palestine: Ramadan in Gaza
Palestinian Nazek Abu Rahma posts photographs showing scenes from the Holy month of Ramadan in Gaza here
Palestine: The 9/11 Industry
While Katrina is a distant memory, the anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks on the US is being used to fuel a “9/11 industry,” writes Al Falasteeniya.
Egypt: Cairo Airport Security Strikes Again
Bikya Masr reported: “First, an American citizen was barred from entering the country last week and sent back to London. Now, a Palestinian-Norwegian mother of two was stopped by security...
Palestine: The Experience Of Ramadan In Gaza
Bloggers in Gaza write about how people are managing this Ramadan, and describe how traditions are being kept alive.
Palestine: Travelers Say Israel is Illegally Denying Access
Travelers to the Palestinian West Bank are now facing new restrictions. Visas obtained from Israeli consulates for their visit are stamped "Palestinian Authority areas only" in violation of the 1995 Oslo II Accords which allow unhindered movement for foreign travelers to Israel. Jillian C. York reports.
Palestine: A Change Of Language
In Gaza, Abu el Sharif has decided to start blogging in English instead of Arabic: “I really need to be more rude, and talk a little more about the shit...
Palestine: Settlers Attack Shepherds
In the West Bank, Samuel Nichols has taken a video of Israeli settlers using a sling to hurl stones at Palestinian shepherds.
Palestine: New Blog on Land Grab
Marcy Newman announces on her blog Body on the Line: “my dear friend rami and i have started a new blog to catalog the ongoing nakbas (catastrophes) that happen every...
Palestine: A Call From The Prime Minister
Palestinian journalist Daoud Kuttab writes on his blog about receiving a phone call from Prime Minister Salam Fayyad: “In nearly 29 years of my journalist work and the thousands of...
Palestine: Encountering Fear
In the United States, Palestinian blogger Laila El Haddad recently spoke to a woman who seemed nervous of her: ‘”Where are you from?” I asked, detecting an East European accent....
Palestine: Trying To Learn In Gaza
In Gaza, Eva Bartlett writes: “Palestinians have an exceedingly high drive to learn and attain higher education. Of course, here in a besieged Strip, with even school materials deemed non-vital...
Jordan: Support Palestinians
From Jordan Ali Dahmash argues for supporting Palestinians by urging Arabs to travel to Jerusalem.