Stories about Palestine from February, 2007
Palestine: A Lesson in History
Palestinian blogger Abu Issa takes us down memory lane to Palestine in 1948 through words, memories and photographs here.
Palestine: 13th Anniversary of the Al Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre
Palestinian blogger Haitham Sabbah marks the 13th anniversary of the “first of three massacres perpetrated by Israeli settlers accompanied by the Israeli Army. There were more than 30 martyrs and...
Israel: A Predictable Misunderstanding
Israeli Blogger, from Thoughts from Israel, describes the latest escalation between the Arabs and Israelis over Al Aqsa as a “predictable misunderstanding.” “And so, once again, a stupid and inconsiderate...
Palestine: Children's Blogging Project
Bahrain-based Palestinian blogger Haitham Sabbah was instrumental in making a children's blogging project see light. Read more about the project, which aims to bridge the widening gap between children in...
Palestine: Racism in Our Subconsciousness?
Racism somehow finds a way to our subconsciousness, admits Palestinian blogger Ola after being intimidated by the sight of a strange person in her neighbourhood.
Palestine: Call for US Representatives
The Madison-Rafah Journal posts a petition calling upon Americans to tell their representatives that they “find it outrageous that the US is threatening to boycott the Palestinians on the basis...
Jordan: Caricature Expo Planned
Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff will hold an exhibition in Jordan, thanks to the efforts of Palestinian blogger Izzi, among others. Latuff himself blogs about it here.
Palestine: Life in a Refugee Camp
Egyptian-German blogger Philip Rizk spent his 25th birthday in a refugee camp in Gaza, Palestine. Read about his experiences here.
Bahrain: The Truth About the Temple Mount Dig
Bahraini blogger eMoodz puts one and one together and digs deep to learn the truth about the Temple Mount dig in Jerusalem here.
Palestine: Weekend Roundup
Palestinian blogger Haitham Sabbah gives us a brief round up of happenings on the Palestinian-Israeli front this week here.
Palestine: Jerusalem Blogging Day
Moroccan blogger Mohammed Lachyab says tomorrow (Friday) is the Jerusalem Blogging Day . He urges all bloggers to dedicate their posts on the day to highlight the plight of Palestinians.
Israel: Palestinian Officials Pilgrimage
Aussie Dave at Israellycool ridicules Palestinian officials performing the Muslim pilgrimage rituals here.
Israel: Palestinian Coalition
Jonathan at Head Heeb gives us his two cents on the Palestinian agreement reached in Mecca. “There are, to be sure, some positive signs. The fact that the Fatah and...
Palestine: Blogger Gets Rapped by US State Department
Palestinian blogger Haitham Sabbah engages in a tongue in cheek tirade with the US State Department, after accusing the US of commiting acts of terrorism in Iraq.