· October, 2006

Stories about Palestine from October, 2006

The Week That Was in Bahrain

  22 October 2006

It has been yet another busy week on the Bahraini blogsophere, with some bloggers rallying behind an anti-sectarianism campaign, Just Bahraini; others just back home from a long holiday; and...

Palestine: 007 Middle East Missions

  17 October 2006

As if colonization, dispossession, military occupation, ethnic discrimination, and social disenfranchisement weren't enough – the Israel Law Center is now marketing its government's tactics to Rambo-esque westerners by offering them...

Arabisc: Ramadan, War, Freedom and Other Issues

  12 October 2006

With all Muslim countries marking the Holy Month of Ramadan, UAE blogger Bin Kerishan, wonders why people fast. كل العبادات تسبب للانسان الاما و معاناه كالحج و الصلاه و الصيام...

Palestine: Internal fighting

  5 October 2006

I've often said that those who are protesting in Gaza, the ones we read about in the paper and see on tv, are not protesting bcause they are hungry-they are...