Stories about Middle East & North Africa from December, 2016
Lebanon Deports Prominent Unionist, Testing Migrant Workers’ Resolve
Law enforcement officers in Lebanon are cracking down on unionists committed to organizing the country's migrant workers, and labor activists find themselves squeezed and left with few options.
The High Cost of Algeria's Crackdown on Speech: Life and Freedom
Will the Algerian government acknowledge the high cost of silencing its critics before more lives are lost or destroyed for a mere Facebook post?
Syrian Media Activist: ‘It Is Terrible and Scary, Aleppo Has Become a Horror City’
Gnaid, an activist with the Aleppo Media Center, and his wife recently welcomed their second child, a baby girl, in the midst of a deadly siege on their city.
Military Trials of Journalists Cast Light on the Taboo of Criticizing the Army in Tunisia
Laws allowing military courts to handle cases involving citizens, including journalists and bloggers, continue to hold back Tunisia's democratic reforms.
The Thin Line Between Political Censorship and Fighting Fake News in Iran
Iran wants to regulate social-media news accounts with more than 5,000 followers because of the dangers of fake news. But what about the danger to free speech?
Egyptian Authorities Are Using Travel Bans to Crack Down on Human Rights Activists
"The government has been working for the last two years on restructuring the legislative system to violate the constitution. Even in the time of Mubarak we didn’t see this."
Sleeping or Dead – Part 5: This Farce Called a Homeland
"You’re lucky, as some were transferred out today, before we had shifts for standing and sitting....we are managing by squatting and sleeping on each others’ shoulders.”
Talking to Hooman Majd, a Bridge Between Iran and the US Mainstream
"Iran is not uniquely paradoxical: what's unique is that most people don’t know about Iran."