Stories about Morocco from January, 2006
Football and media's trial in the Moroccan blogs
January 12th is Yennayer, the Amazigh New Year . So I'll start by wishing Amazighs all around the world a happy Yenayer 2956! Last week was a sportive one in...
Fatwas and the Moroccan blogs
Last week was a very active one in the Moroccan blogosphere and e-debats went on about different subjects, and very interesting ones. The Moroccan bloggers talked, among other subjects, about...
Eid Al Adha unites the Moroccan bloggers and Marock divides them
This week, Muslims all over the world are celbrating Aid Al Adha to commemorate Abraham's sacrifice. Moroccan bloggers didn't miss the occasion to wish everybody a Merry celebration. Eid Mubarak...
The first week of 2006 in the Moroccan blogs
2006 is here, so happy new year from the Moroccan blogosphere. After a one month absence , Larbi is back. This blog is definitely the most popular among the Moroccan...