· August, 2012

Stories about Libya from August, 2012

Chinese Weapons Flooding Africa

  30 August 2012

Deborah Brautigam from China in Africa provided more background information about the importation of Chinese Weapons in African countries and explained the incentive of arms sale is from private sector:...

Libya: Hijab Fiasco at Power Handover Ceremony

  19 August 2012

A problem marred Libya's National Transitional Council power handover to the newly elected 200-member General National Congress in a ceremony: The master of ceremony was the unveiled female presenter Sarah Elmesallati, who was ordered to leave the stage after an Islamist MP walked out of the ceremony in objection to her presenting the historic ceremony. Netizens go to Facebook to record their objection or support.

Global: BRICS vs. NATO – Battlefield of Ideas on Interventions

  2 August 2012

China’s and Russia’s recent decision to veto the United Nations Security Council resolution against Syria -has reignited the debate over the relationship between 'new' powers Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - the BRICS - with 'old' powers - NATO - in international interventions.