Stories about Libya from January, 2012
Africa: 2012 Cup of Nations Kicks Off!
The Africa Cup of Nations began in Bata, Equatorial Guinea this Saturday, January 21, kicking off three weeks of fierce competition. The Cup is the most important international football competition in Africa.
MENA: Amnesty International's Forecast for 2012
“Repression and state violence is likely to continue to plague the Middle East and North Africa in 2012,” forecasts Amnesty International in an 80-page report. It documents the extreme violence deployed...
Libya: Draft Electoral Law Criticized
A few days ago, the Libyan government released a draft of a new election law for public debate. The aim was for citizens to discuss it and find out the opinion of the majority of Libyans about it. This draft, the first in Libya's post-Gaddafi era, is the first of its kind in a country that had no elections in four decades. The elections are slated for June and the new parliament will be charged with writing the country's constitution.
Libya: A Letter from a Woman in Benghazi
A Libyan woman from Benghazi is criticizing her countrymen for marrying non-Libyans after the revolution. She states that Libyan women are not getting rights equal to those granted to men in an open letter posted on Facebook. Mohamed ElGohary provides a translation from Arabic.
Libya 2011: A Seminal Year Through Citizen Media
Libya grabbed the headlines in 2011. Here is a summary of blog posts written by Libyan netizens in the year that was. Fozia Mohamed charts their disgust, fear, hope and dreams in a series of posts written throughout the year.
Global Voices Most Read Posts in 2011
Global Voices is no longer as lonely a media voice when it comes to reporting tweets and blog posts. Still, where mainstream media interest wanes, we're the ones who continue documenting local citizen media. Discover our top 20 list of most read posts for 2011.
New Qatar Envoy Appointed in Libya
Qatar has appointed a new envoy to Libya. Sultan Al Qassemi, a commentator from the UAE, sheds more light on Qatari-Libyan relations since the beginning of the Libyan uprising in...
Arab World: A Year In Pictures – Our Authors’ Selection
As we bid farewell to 2011 and look ahead to 2012, we asked our authors to share with you pictures that in their eyes have marked the past year in their respective countries. The following selection represents their choices.
The World is Talking… We Translate
Some members of the Global Voices Spanish team of translators share their ideas and thoughts about some of the posts that they worked on during 2011 that impressed and impacted the most on them.