· September, 2007

Stories about Libya from September, 2007

Libya: Bloggers Face Off

  20 September 2007

Libyan blogger the Highlander suggest new awards to encourage Libyan bloggers to blog. She also writes about a misunderstanding between Libyan bloggers and urges bloggers to reconcile and bridge their...

Libya: Childless Mornings

  20 September 2007

“The kid's have really started school. And guess what? They are all going in the morning! This is the first time this has ever happened. I actually have peaceful and...

Arabeyes: Driving in Ramadhan

  19 September 2007

Staying up all night, sleep deprivation and lack of water, food and cigarettes from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan, the month of fasting, is having its toll on drivers - especially those stuck in traffic jams. Here are some of the rants from exasperated bloggers.

Libya: Jellyfish Warning

  5 September 2007

Khadija Teri, from Libya, warns against a type of jellyfish, which can be found around beaches and gives us remedies on how to cure their painful stings.