Stories about Libya from March, 2007
Libya: End of a Blog
Libyan blogger A.Adam announced that he would celebrate his blog's third anniversary by marking its ‘end.’
Bulgaria, Libya: Tripoli Six in the Economist
The Economist's Edward Lucas reposts his piece on the “Tripoli Six”: “Bulgaria has tried hard to make the scandal an international issue, and has also raised money to help the...
Arabisc: A Mysterious Bug Gnawing at Middle Eastern Bloggers
Something is amiss on the Middle Eastern blogging scene .. and computers and modern technology are to blame. In addition to trouble with the law in their countries, which are...
Libya: The Adventures of Mr Behi
Iranian blogger Mr Behi has moved to Tripoli, Libya, and tells us about life without his life, a computer on life-support and the importance of credit and debit cards. “I...
Touring Libyan Blogs : Bring a Chaperone or Go Back Home
Libyan bloggers have been quite prolific on many topics this past week, however what easily dominated their minds this time was the ‘invisible’ law regulating the Libyan females under the...
Palestine: Film on Benghazi Aids Epidemic
Palestinian blogger Haitham Sabbah links to a video highlighting the plight of a Palestinian doctor and a group of Bulgarian nurses accused of inflicting more than 400 children with the...
Touring Libyan Blogs: Italian freedom fighters, niqab, road safety and the Libyan bloggers!
Abughilan – who has incidentally become one of my favourites haunts – surprises us with yet another beautiful lesson from the rich history of Libya. It is the story of...
Libya: 30 Years of Gaddafi
Libya marks its 30th birthday as a Jamaheriya under the reign of Colonel Muammar Al Gaddafi today and this is what Issandr El Amrani has to say about the anniversary...