· May, 2008

Stories about Lebanon from May, 2008

Lebanon: “Coup d'état”

  13 May 2008

“This seems to be shaping up to be a full-scale coup d'état by Hezbollah with the support of the army,” says the Human Province about the conflict in Lebanon.

Lebanon: Entering a new phase

  13 May 2008

“The short, but violent civil war of the past three days will be followed by a grander civil war that may take years … a civil war for hearts and minds. For it is only with the trust of the Lebanese people can Hizballah truly rule this country,” writes Antun...

Lebanon: “We did not stage a coup”

  13 May 2008

“If we wanted to stage a coup, you would have woken up this morning in prison, or in the middle of the sea. We do not want that. It is a political issue, with a political solution through early elections,” Jnoubiyeh quotes S. Hassan Nassrallah's comment directed to the Lebanese...

Global Voices partners with NewsTrust

  12 May 2008

Today marks the first day of a week-long 'news hunt' between Global Voices and NewsTrust, in search of good journalism on the Middle East. The timing of this partnership is particularly important as this week marks the 60th anniversary of Israel's founding, or what many Arabs refer to as 'Al-Nakba, or 'the catastrophe.' Iraq and Lebanon are also facing new escalations in their security situations as the region continues to make headlines around the world. Join us in rating our coverage on NewsTrust.

Lebanon: Government Decrees Repealed

  10 May 2008

“The army command has just announced it is reinstating Wafiq Shuqair as the head of airport security and will investigate Hizbullah’s communications network ‘without harming the resistance’, asking for the withdrawal of all armed men and the reopening of the streets,” reports In the Middle of the East about the...

Lebanon: “Hot Summer”

  10 May 2008

“It's a pretty hot summer indeed in Lebanon… A strike that turned into a civil war… I'm scared..Yesterday when I heard the gunshots getting closer to my house I couldn't stand up!! I couldn't run!! and I couldn't even move!!!” writes NightS on her experience with the current events in...

Lebanon: Like being under siege

  10 May 2008

“I live in Ras El-Nabeh, where clashes have been raging for the last 2 days, and thanks god today is relatively calm and under the Lebanese army control. But still, I didn’t go to work in fear of not being able to come back! Yeah feels like being under siege!”...

Lebanon: Future TV Vandalized

  10 May 2008

“During the war last summer, i cried the most when i heard that the Baalbek ruins are being threatened. Not equally dramatic but equally tragic, it seems that all the archives of future tv got totally destroyed! (18 years worth of records),” writes Mirvat about the damaging of one of...

Lebanon: Laughing in adversity

  9 May 2008

“There are heavy gun-shots going on near us, and my roommate made me laugh amongst the shootings: ‘these are crazy mother-******s, i am happy to be as normal in comparison,'” writes Razan in Beirut.

Lebanon: Misunderstanding?

  9 May 2008

“…Hezbollah's private telecommunications network that triggered the confrontation is a ‘secure network of primitive private land lines [that] helped the guerrillas fight Israel's high-tech army in the 2006 summer war’ quotes GPC on one of the direct causes of the current conflict in Lebanon.

Lebanon: Things may slip?

  9 May 2008

Prof Rami Zurayk, who is in Beirut with his family, writes his observations and what he is witnessing on the third day of the conflicts in Lebanon.

Lebanon: Stuck in Beirut

  8 May 2008

Lebanese Mark, who lives in Kuwait, says he is stuck in Beirut. He explains: “Looks like I am stuck in Beirut. The airport is closed and doesn’t look like its going to open anytime soon if anything it looks like there will be a war with hezbollah. Now I am...

Lebanon: Strike Gone Sour

  8 May 2008

May 7 should have been a day for general strike and demonstration to contest the government’s economic policies, price rise and low wages. The workers syndicate had to cancel the demonstration, although keeping the strike on, because clashes broke out in many places around Lebanon between different factions belonging to the pro–government and opposition camps. Bloggers were quick to comment on the events. Here are some of their reflections from yesterday although the events are escalating very fast into gunfights in the streets of Beirut. Check back for more summaries on bloggers posts and reports on the unfolding crisis.

Lebanon: Laborer's Strike

  7 May 2008

I woke up to the sounds coming from the TV screen this morning, as LBC covered the events going on in Beirut's southern suburbs, Mazraa, Barbir and Mar Elias, among other locations, writes Antoun, from Lebanon. Inspired by the political developments, the blogger writes a poem which says: ‘Hundreds of...

Lebanon: Dangerous Day Ahead

  7 May 2008

A few opposition affiliated Lebanese unions are striking today, reports Charles Malek from Lebanon. “The last few times opposition affiliated organizations have protested it has meant attacks on those affiliated with the government and clashes with the Lebanese Army,” he notes.

Iran: 3 million dollars for Lebanon

  4 May 2008

In Shatot, we read[Fa] that Mayor's Office in Tehran has contributed about 3 million dollars to help Shi'ites in Lebanon. The blogger protests against such act and says with all the misery that we have in Iran why we should send money to Lebanon!