Stories about Lebanon from July, 2006
This Week In Palestinian Blogs: World On Fire
While the flames of war engulf Lebanon, Gaza is still under attack. Many of the victims have been Palestinian children, some barely a year old; and as their families prepare...
Landing at the Iraqi Blogodrome
With all the war and suffering I just don't feel like blogging. But todays post is important and I feel it is my duty to write it. If you read...
The Week That Was in Bahrain
Local events took the sidelines as Bahrain bloggers turned their attention to the war ravaging Lebanon this week.
Argentina: Syrian-Lebanese Club
Robert Wright posts a photo of a notice hanging outside the Syrian-Lebanese Club of Buenos Aires, which he translates for readers.
Iran: Khatami writes letters too!
In Iraneno we read that Mohammad Khatami, former President wrote a letter to several important political, religious and academic personalities such as Nelson Mandel, Kofi Annan and Noam Chomsky to...
War in Lebanon and Privatization
The Lebanon war is still hot news in Iran and Iranian bloggers talk about it. By reading some blogs we discover a very original approach to protesting against war, taking...
Bangladesh: The crisis in Lebanon
How Bangladesh is responding to the crisis in Lebanon at imperfect world 2006.
Middle East reaction: Petition
Aba Boy links to a petition called “Save the Lebanese Civilians”.
Caucasus: BTC & Israel
Ben Paarmann questions those that claim that controlling the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline and accessing Central Asian and Caspian oil is a hidden motive for Israel in its fighting in Lebanon.
Sri Lanka: The implications of leaving Lebanon
Even as evacuation drives intensify in Lebanon, Moju explores the implications of Sri Lankans who will find themselves jobless and will need financial assistance. “This sudden stoppage of the funds...
Africans in Lebanon
Black Looks reports that an estimated 20,000 Ethiopians as well as Nigerians, Ghanaians, Sudanese and Somalis working in Lebanon, many of whom were trafficked there, are being “left to fend...
Lebanon Resistance & Unity
The war that Israel is waging against Lebanon remains the primary issue discussed by bloggers blogging about Lebanon this week.
Lebanon at the Iraqi Blogodrome
The Iraqi blogs have been alive with comment on the crisis in Lebanon. The opinions are so diverse that subject deserves to be covered in its own right. If you...
Sri Lanka: Away from Lebanon
Only 300 Sri Lankans have been evacuated from Lebanon says Sri Lanka. “There are around 93,000 Sri Lankans currently working in Lebanon, 86,000 of them housemaids, said Jagath Wellawatta, Chairman...
Israel/Lebanon commentary
“Destroying the infrastructure of Lebanon isn't going to achieve much. It would surely not make Israel any safer,” writes Netherlands-based Nigerian blogger Chippla in a
Reunion: Moslem Community Rallying Cry
Zarabes writes (Fr): “We members of the moslem community of la Reunion, are watching powerless the current events in Palestine and Lebanon. Tired of the ambiant silence, we ask the...
Ganji's Hunger Strike & Lebanon Conflict
Dissident journalist Akbar Ganji and his supporters called for a three days hunger strike to attract attention on Iranian political prisoners. Several bloggers have talked about this hunger strike movement...
Armenia: Lebanon Refugees
Notes from Hareinik reports that Armenia is offering refuge to anyone fleeing Lebanon.
Algeria: Arab American Lobby
Nouri Lumendifi says that this new crisis in Lebanon-Israel has opened a new opportunity for American politicians to attempt to win Jewish votes. He adds that the way that certain...
Jordan: Jeresh Festival
Due to the war in Lebanon and Palestine, Jeresh festival 2006 will be suspended until further notice, Ibrahim Owais said.
Zimbabwe: Middle East lesson
“The past week's events in the Middle East,” writes Zimpundit, “have confirmed Zimbabweans’ fears that in eyes of the world some lives are intrinsically more valuable than others.”