Stories about Lebanon from June, 2005
Wednesday Global Blog Roundup
We’re always looking for new ideas and good stories to write about. If you have a story or a blog post that you think would be a good fit for...
Tuesday Global Blog Roundup
We’re always looking for new ideas and good stories to write about. If you have a story or a blog post that you think would be a good fit for...
Monday Global Blog Roundup
The Middle East A Free Iraqi does an interesting Q&A with his readers. Crossroads Arabia points to a news story that says that 2,500 scholarships are available for Saudis who...
Wednesday World Blog Roundup
Central Asia & the Caucuses: The Farsi blog Shared Pains (winner of the 2005 RSF Freedom Blog award) has a post in English on freedom of expression in Afghanistan (hat-tip...
Tuesday Global Blog Roundup
The Middle East Mahmood of Mahmood's Den announces that he's not only going to take Reporters Without Borders’ guidelines for a free internet and translate them into Arabic, he's going...
Lebanon Skypecast #2: Blogger “Lebanon.Profile”
After hanging up the Skypeout call with Gustave of the Lebanese Political Journal, I called the Beirut cellphone of his co-blogger who goes by the blog-name “Lebanon.Profile.” LP prefers not...
Lebanon Skypecast #1: Blogger Gustave Cordahi
In the wake of an election victory for Lebanon's anti-Syrian alliance and the asassination of another anti-Syrian politician, I spoke to two Beirut-based bloggers who author the popular blog, Lebanese...
Monday Global Blog Roundup
East Asia New Mongols, under the guise of a complaint about a Chinese museum of Mongolian culture, takes a close look at patriarchal Chinese attitudes towards Mongolia. An in-store McDonald’s...
Tuesday Global Blogs Roundup
The Middle East Hoder reports that the mood at the headquarters of Iranian presidential candidate Moin is quite upbeat in the wake of recently-released polls. He also asks that his...
Monday Global Blogs Roundup
We’re always looking for new ideas and good stories to write about. If you have a story or a blog post that you think would be a good fit for...
Friday Global Blog Roundup
We're always looking for new ideas and good stories to write about. If you have a story or a blog post that you think would be a good fit for...
Thursday Global Blog Update
We're always looking for new ideas and good stories to write about. If you have a story or a blog post that you think would be a good fit for...
Monday Global Blog Roundup
The Middle East The famous “should women drive in Saudi Arabia” debate gets a hearing at Crossroads Arabia. Verdict? Well, since women can drive everywhere else, what’s the big deal?...
Friday Global Blog Roundup
East Asia Over at Big White Guy, Randall van der Woning writes about an expat Tiananmen protestor who climbed atop a giant TV screen in downtown Hong Kong and stripped...
Thursday Global Blog Roundup
Central Asia The Kyrgyzstan Kid attends the wake of a stranger in a small town in northern Kyrgyzstan. comes in with two interesting stories: first, the US State Department...