· October, 2005

Stories about Kuwait from October, 2005

Kuwait Blog Rounds Up

16 October 2005

Kuwait has been buzzing lately with religion and political talk. With the harsh events in Paksitan with the earth quake. Like Faith sending her thoughts and prayers to the survivors...

The Diwaniya of Kuwait

9 October 2005

Ramadan Kareem Everyone. Kuwait during Ramadan gets quite active in terms of nights out with family and friends visiting diwaniyas and other family gatherings that makes us have no time...

Kuwait: Normalize Relations with Israel

8 October 2005

Writers in Kuweit are starting to advocate a normalized relationship with Israel. This unpopular move is causing a stir in Kuwait, Mustapha says.

Kuwait: Racist Ramadan Show

7 October 2005

Many of the Kuwait bloggers as well from Bahrain are calling to boycott one of the TV shows after they came to a conclusion that ‘Qerqea'an‘ is a racist show...