Stories about Jordan from January, 2007
Arabisc: Egyptian Bloggers Tie the Knot
Like in Egyptian movies, there is a thin line between imagination and reality in Egypt, where two politically active bloggers get close to each other at an anti-government rally, then...
Jordan: Segregated Weddings
Jordanian blogger Khalidah Mufleh is just back from a segregated wedding in Jordan, where the women and men attend separate parties. “I am against these kinds of parties because chaos...
Lebanon At the Brink of a Civil War
Lebanon is at the brink of a civil war, writes Jordanian blogger Tololy. To add insult to injury, she adds: “There is occupation and civil war in Iraq, occupation and...
Saddam execution video re-ignites death penalty debates worldwide
Over the past four months, we've tried to feature and contextualise videos we felt should be seen and debated by a wider audience. Today's featured human rights video is something...