· July, 2006

Stories about Jordan from July, 2006

Jordan: Jeresh Festival

  20 July 2006

Due to the war in Lebanon and Palestine, Jeresh festival 2006 will be suspended until further notice, Ibrahim Owais said.

Jordan: M.E. Podcasting

  20 July 2006

Zeid Nasser report that this is, probably, the first business news podcast service in the Middle East. Also he points out that more Arab bloggers are podcasting now.

Arabisc: The Blazing Middle East

  14 July 2006

Third day after the beginning of the never ending Middle East conflict; Israel/Lebanon war, the Arabic blogsphere speaks. Ranging between anger, celebration, condemnation and support, on both sides of the...

Jordan: Good Night!

4 July 2006

Having problems sleeping? Cannot sleep during the day or are very light-sleepers? Tololy has a bunch of useful tips to help you get a good night’s sleep!