· December, 2005

Stories about Jordan from December, 2005

Jordan: World Youth Peace Summit in Jordan

27 December 2005

Lina writes, from September 11 to 15, 2006, youth leaders from all the nations of the world will assemble at the Dead Sea in Jordan for the World Youth Peace...

From the Jordanian Blogosphere

17 December 2005

Some interesting and controversial social topics are being discussed in the Jordanian blogosphere this week. Freedom of Speech Freedom of speech is not a given commodity in the Arab world,...

Jordan: Iraq in Jordan!

5 December 2005

Wael Attili and Sabbah don't like what they are seeing at Amman streets. That is the electoral posters of candidates referring to the Dec. 15 parliamentary elections in Iraq, hanging...

From the Jordanian Blogosphere

3 December 2005

“Jordan Planet's first North American Meet-up” by Jameed “November Jordanian Blogger Meet-up” by Roba Al-Assi As an interesting forty percent of Jordanian bloggers don't reside in Jordan, meet-ups are occurring...

Jordan: Feminism in Jordan

1 December 2005

Rami say, although there are some shiny and splendid official figures such as women enrollment in education, which accounts for a staggering figure in the vicinity of 90 percent, there...